THE RULERS OF THE WORLD: a new Project Avalon video interview
Dear Friends,
It's my pleasure to announce a new video interview, published today - on 1.1.11, most auspiciously - which covers a very great deal of extremely important new ground.
An important note: this group is NOT the Illuminati. It's a Council of the 33 most senior members (defined in a particular way) of each of the 33 bloodline families on the 'inside'. The controlling group does not have a formal name.
They meet frequently, and make major decisions about global affairs. Charles has always emphasized - even when he had greatly displeased some of them through his insubordination - that this group sincerely feels it is doing the best thing for the planet, the human race, and the ETs... whoever they are (Charles does not have access to this information).
Other groups which we know of (the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Knights of Malta, the Rosicrucians, the Priory of Sion - and many more), are all groups or societies which are lower down the 'pyramid' of control. This group of 33 constitutes the very capstone.
In that 1 January interview, Charles confirmed the following:
- The reality of the plan to set up a false flag event to frame the ETs as hostile.
- Full details (with a rationale from the controllers' point of view) of the plan to reduce the world's population.
- Confirmation that the human race is an ET genetic project.
- Confirmation of ET reality, and the reality of their craft.
- A statement that the ET craft had been brought down deliberately (after one or two initial 'lucky hits' in the 1940s).
- Confirmation of the existence of the Mars base, and that we're poised to leave the solar system.
- Confirmation of the existence of the back-engineered man-made flying triangles.
- The existence of the controlling group, with details of their composition and modus operandi.
- Confirmation of artifacts on the moon, and confirmation that Arthur C. Clarke knew a great deal.
- Confirmation that there's anticipated to be a peak of solar activity that might interfere with electrical circuits (in 2012 or 2013).
- Confirmation that the solar system is a binary system (i.e. that 'Planet X' is a reality).
- Much more - about the way that the controlling group operates, their goals and plans, and how they think.
- The ET project to create and optimize a new genome - which is the human race on this planet.
- This is the first time in the history of the human race that we have got our hands on ET technology - which was never part of the plan. There were no accidental UFO crashes: all the craft were shot down - at first by a 'lucky hit', and thereafter deliberately.
- The legacy of the controlling group, and why they feel this is their responsibility.
- The way the controlling group functions, and considers its role: some of their codes, protocols, and 'rules'.